Trallong, Penpont & Lanfihangel Nant Bran Community Council © All rights reserved | Website by View Web Design

We’d love to hear from you…
  • 0 Nature and Us – The national conversation on the future of Wales’ natural environment has started

    Natur a Ni – Mae’r sgwrs genedlaethol ar ddyfodol amgylchedd naturiol Cymru wedi dechrau / Nature and Us – The national conversation on the future of Wales’ natural environment has started Nature and Us has started and over the next 10 weeks, anyone in Wales can get involved and have their say at www.natureandus.wales. There are lots of ways people can get involved: completing a Nature and Us survey, taking part in one of our online events or volunteering for a focus group. Most of this is online at www.natureandus.wales but there is help for those who find accessing the internet a bit more difficult. We’ve already shared with you a link to the Nature and Us Stakeholder Toolkit and, from today, these materials can be shared freely and publicly to help more people get involved. Thank you in advance for any support you can provide to Nature and Us, we look forward to hear what you have to say! Nature and us: what future do we want for our natural environment? | Freshwater (eventscase.com)  

  • 0 Holiadur OECD Questionnaire - Helpu i lunio dyfodol Cymru! / Help build the future of Wales!

    WE ARE CIRCULATING THIS EMAIL ON BEHALF OF THE OECD   Please share with your networks   Help build the future of Wales! The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) invites you to complete a questionnaire about the future of regional development in Wales, and share it with your network, including family, friends, and associates. This initiative forms part of a collaboration between the OECD and the Welsh Government. By sharing your thoughts about economic, social, environmental and community development challenges and priorities, you can help build the future of Wales and Welsh local communities! Your responses will provide critical inputs for a vision-setting workshop on regional development with the Welsh Government and other stakeholders including local authorities, private sector, and the third sector etc, facilitated by the OECD. Your perspective will help the Welsh Government and Welsh Local Authorities improve services, enhance social and economic well-being, and increase the quality of life throughout Wales. Please reserve about 10 minutes to complete the full questionnaire. Please click on this link to access the questionnaire: https://survey.oecd.org/index.php?r=survey/index&sid=741948&lang=en The questionnaire is only available in English Response by 9 March 2022       RYDYM YN CYLCHREDEG YR E-BOST HWN AR RAN YR OECD Rhannwch gyda'ch rhwydweithiau Helpu i lunio dyfodol Cymru! Mae’r Sefydliad ar gyfer Cydweithrediad a Datblygiad Economaidd (OECD) yn eich gwahodd i lenwi holiadur am ddyfodol datblygiad rhanbarthol yng Nghymru, a’i rannu gyda’ch rhwydwaith, gan gynnwys teulu, ffrindiau a chysylltiadau. Mae’r fenter hon yn rhan o gydweithrediad rhwng yr OECD a Llywodraeth Cymru. Drwy rannu eich meddyliau am yr heriau a’r blaenoriaethau mewn perthynas â datblygiad economaidd, cymdeithasol, amgylcheddol a chymunedol, gallwch helpu i lunio dyfodol Cymru a chymunedau lleol Cymru! Bydd eich ymatebion yn darparu syniadau allweddol ar gyfer gweithdy gosod y weledigaeth mewn perthynas â datblygiad rhanbarthol gyda Llywodraeth Cymru a rhanddeiliaid eraill gan gynnwys awdurdodau lleol, y sector preifat a’r trydydd sector etc. Hwylusir y gweithdy hwn gan yr OECD. Bydd eich safbwynt yn helpu Llywodraeth Cymru ac awdurdodau lleol Cymru i wella gwasanaethau, gwella llesiant cymdeithasol ac economaidd a gwella ansawdd bywyd ledled Cymru. Neilltuwch oddeutu 10 munud i lenwi’r holiadur llawn. Cliciwch ar y ddolen hon i gael mynediad at yr holiadur: https://survey.oecd.org/index.php?r=survey/index&sid=741948&lang=en Mae’r holiadur ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig Ymateb erbyn 9 Mawrth 2022  

  • 0 Cylchlythyr Comisiynydd Pobl Hyn Cymru/ Older People's Commissioner's Newsletter

    Dilynwch y linciau isod am ein Cylchlythyr Bwletin: Please follow the below links for our Bulletin Newsletter: Cymraeg:       https://www.olderpeoplewales.com/cy/Publications/pub-story/22-02-21/Newsletter_February_2022.aspx English:         https://www.olderpeoplewales.com/en/Publications/pub-story/22-02-21/Newsletter_February_2022.aspx Os hoffech dad-danysgrifio, e-bostiwch ‘Dad-danysgrifio’ i gofyn@olderpeoplewales.com If you would like to unsubscribe, please e-mail ‘Unsubscribe’ to ask@olderpeoplewales.com  

  • 0 Temporary Road Closure: C0043 ABERYSCIR, BRECON (3-4 Mar 2022)

    Temporary Road Closure: C0043 ABERYSCIR, BRECON (3-4 Mar 2022) Math o gyfyngiad/Type of restriction: Cau’r ffordd yn gyfan / Full Closure Cyf:/Ref: BC006MQONSAWN0SFWCQLG58Y Hawliau Tramwy Cyhoeddus / Public Rights of Way:   Rhif y Ffordd/Road no: Footpath no: C0043 Lleoliad/Location: ABERYSCIR, BRECON Dyddiad ac amser/ Dates and times: 9am – 5pm ar /on 3-4 March 2022 Ymgeisydd:/Applicant: MJ Quinn / Openreach Gwaith:/Works: MJ QUINN REQUIRES NOTICE TO DROP 4 POLES Caniatáu mynediad i gerbydau’r gwasanaethau brys / Emergency Vehicle Access Provision: Bydd ar gael / Will be maintained     Caniatáu mynediad i eiddo o fewn y cyfyngiad / Access to Properties within the restriction Provision: Bydd ar gael / Will be maintained Byddwn yn rhoi gwybod i drigolion cyn cau / Residents will be notified prior to closure: Byddwn (wythnos o flaen llaw) / Yes (A week before the closure begins)

  • 0 FREE - Hearing Loss Webinar

    We are hosting a free event in partnership with Carers Wales on Wednesday 12th January at 11am to 12.30pm on Zoom. This session is for anyone caring for someone with a hearing loss, or if you are a carer with hearing loss.   Please see Image for further details..

  • 0 Home-Start Cymru Volunteer Recruitment

    Volunteer Weekly Support  As ever, our trained Volunteers would be delighted to support families from across your services at this time. We have links to Home Start groups across the UK - so would be able to offer support to service families should they be posted in new areas throughout their journey with us here in Powys. We offer weekly contact with a family to share worries, offer suggests and be a listening ear. We offer free, confidential support and practical help to parents of young children living across Wales who are going through a difficult time - because childhood can't wait.  Families Supporting Families New to 2022! (Covid permitting) Free Fortnightly Group Sessions in Brecon and Llandrindod Wells. Also Newtown and Machynleth. A chance for families to come along to a group session for a cuppa and chat, find out more about activities in the area, play ideas and parenting advice and support. Please see attached poster for details Big Hopes, Big Futures  The aim of the project Improve children’s readiness for school. Our trained volunteers help parents learn about and understand the benefits of a positive learning environment at home. Through this the parents increase their understanding and change their behaviour and family routines to include activities that would help their children’s early learning. Their children will then start school or nursery able to fully benefit from their formal education.  Parent-Infant Psychotherapy (PIP)  Parent-Infant Psychotherapy is a service for parents and babies aged 0-2 years. Our Parent-Infant Psychotherapist, Belinda, works with parents and their babies or toddlers to help understand and work out some of your worries or concerns. We think about the feelings parents have and try to understand and find ways to help them and their baby communicate and enjoy being together.    Sessions are carried out online or in person with parent and your baby together. Sessions are weekly and last for up to 1 hour. We can talk and use play to help build the relationship between parent and baby and also make sense of any worries or difficult feelings they may have.    Lockdown Babies Group  A weekly zoom session bringing together parents and babies who have been born during the lockdown period. Supporting families who may have suffered from isolation during this period, offering play ideas, information and a time to chat and share worries and concerns.  Young Parents Group  A weekly zoom session for young parents age 19 years or under. Our trained play therapist offers structured sessions of play, tips, information sharing and activity ideas especially aimed towards younger parents and their children.  Family Learning Sessions  An individual weekly zoom play session with parents and their children age 0-5 years. Our play therapist offers lots of easy and effective play activities for parents and children to engage with (resources can be provided to the family) Lots of ideas and fun to take forward independently between sessions.  Our coordinators would be happy to answer any questions as well. Families are able to self-refer into Home-Start Cymru - and we would be delighted to talk to them directly.   If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me  Diolch o galon  Vicky Vicky Critchley Locality Manager  Home-Start Cymru     T 01745 814819 M 07871 601772 E adminpowys@homestartcymru.org.uk   How to Volunteer | Home-Start UK      

  • 0 Temporary Road Closure: C0043 SOAR, BRECON (14-18 Feb 2022)

    Math o gyfyngiad/Type of restriction: Cau’r ffordd yn gyfan / Full Closure Cyf:/Ref: KJ099C0043SOARBRE14FEB22                     Hawliau Tramwy Cyhoeddus / Public Rights of Way:   Rhif y Ffordd/Road no: Footpath no: C0043 Lleoliad/Location: SOAR, BRECON Dyddiad ac amser/ Dates and times: 24 Hrs Restrictions ar /on 14-18 February 2022 Ymgeisydd:/Applicant: Beacons Tree Service Gwaith:/Works: The closure is needed to carry out tree work in the nature reserve for the wildlife trust Caniatáu mynediad i gerbydau’r gwasanaethau brys / Emergency Vehicle Access Provision: Bydd ar gael / Will be maintained     Caniatáu mynediad i eiddo o fewn y cyfyngiad / Access to Properties within the restriction Provision: Bydd ar gael / Will be maintained Byddwn yn rhoi gwybod i drigolion cyn cau / Residents will be notified prior to closure: Byddwn (wythnos o flaen llaw) / Yes (A week before the closure begins)  

  • 0 Red Kite Climate Vision and Strategy Consultation – Deadline 7 January 2022.

    A draft copy of Red Kite Climate Vision and Strategy is available to view online until 7 January 2022. To view a copy and provide us with your feedback, please visit: https://crowd.in/6FOELt   Powys Red Kite Climate Strategy (amazonaws.com)     Individuals might like to circulate this via their own networks. https://www.facebook.com/powyscc/photos/a.288294431195523/4987874411237478   https://twitter.com/PowysCC/status/1473352724427194370  

  • 0 ‘Do you feel safe in your local area?’

    Llythyr CHTh Dyfed-Powys-Ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus Rhagfyr21 Letter re Dyfed-Powys PCC's public consultation Dec21   Click Here to view

  • 0 Older People's Commissioner for Wales - Engagement Sessions

    Comisiynydd Pobl Hŷn Cymru - Sesiynau Ymgysylltu / Older People's Commissioner for Wales - Engagement Sessions    Engagement Sessions – Reconnecting with our Communities The Older People’s Commissioner wants to hear about your experiences of re-connecting with your community as restrictions have changed, and your views on what needs to happen to make sure that older people can do the things that matter to them, and that no-one is left behind as we move forward. We’d like to invite you to take part in one of our upcoming online focus groups (dates below) to share your experiences, discuss your concerns and help guide the Commissioner’s work. We particularly want to hear about how you are coping this winter – what are the challenges you are facing and what you are looking forward to doing when the weather gets better. To join us, please register and select one of the dates below:   Wednesday 26 January, 1pm-2pm - https://tocyn.cymru/event/d45e291d-2725-4404-b700-ebd64f491eee/s   Friday 18 February, 11am-12pm - https://tocyn.cymru/event/ef8db87b-1979-44d7-952b-43ec0ca9fc89/s   Wednesday 9 March, 11am-12pm - https://tocyn.cymru/event/a3f804f2-5390-4dda-9600-0d7e930bae5b/s   Wednesday 30 March, 11am-12pm - https://tocyn.cymru/event/67b347b4-81e5-4216-b120-320255ab1dfe/s Please share with any friends, family or colleagues who may be interested. We very much hope you can join us at one of the sessions!       Sesiynau Ymgysylltu – Ailgysylltu â’n Chymunedau Mae’r Comisiynydd Pobl Hŷn eisiau clywed am eich profiadau o ailgysylltu â’ch cymuned wrth i’r cyfyngiadau newid, a’ch barn chi am yr hyn sydd angen digwydd i sicrhau bod pobl hŷn yn gallu gwneud y pethau sy’n bwysig iddyn nhw, ac nad oes neb yn cael ei adael ar ôl wrth i ni symud ymlaen.  Hoffem eich gwahodd i gymryd rhan yn un o’n grwpiau ffocws ar-lein sydd ar y gweill (dyddiadau isod) i rannu eich profiadau, trafod eich pryderon a helpu i lywio gwaith y Comisiynydd. Rydym yn awyddus iawn i glywed am sut rydych chi’n ymdopi y gaeaf hwn – beth yw’r heriau yr ydych yn eu gwynebu a beth ydych chi’n edrych ymlaen i’w wneud pan fydd y tywydd yn gwella. I ymuno â ni, cofrestrwch a dewis un o’r dyddiadau isod:   Dydd Mercher 26 Ionawr, 1yp-2yp - https://tocyn.cymru/event/d45e291d-2725-4404-b700-ebd64f491eee/s   Dydd Gwener 18 Chwefror, 11yb-12yp - https://tocyn.cymru/event/ef8db87b-1979-44d7-952b-43ec0ca9fc89/s   Dydd Mercher 9 Mawrth, 11yb-12yp - https://tocyn.cymru/event/a3f804f2-5390-4dda-9600-0d7e930bae5b/s   Dydd Mercher 30 Mawrth, 11yb-12yp - https://tocyn.cymru/event/67b347b4-81e5-4216-b120-320255ab1dfe/s Cofiwch rannu’r wybodaeth gydag unrhyw ffrindiau, teulu neu gydweithwyr sydd â diddordeb. Rydym yn mawr obeithio y gallwch ymuno â ni yn un o’r sesiynau!          

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