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  • 0 Hospital Discharge Survey

    Byddem yn ddiolchgar iawn pe baech yn gallu rhannu’r arolwg hwn - Dyddiad cau ar gyfer yr arolwg yw 18 Hydref 2021   Rhyddhau o'r ysbyty   Mae British Red Cross (darllenwch mwy amdanynt yma) yn cynnal ymchwil ar ryddhau o'r ysbyty yng Nghymru, sy'n ceisio deall effaith newidiadau a wnaed ers dechrau Mai 2020, i ateb gofynion cynyddol ar wasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol. Y nod yw dysgu o brofiadau rhyddhau o'r ysbyty yn ystod yr amser hwn a sicrhau bod y GIG yn fwy parod i gefnogi cleifion sy'n gadael yr ysbyty yn y dyfodol. Fel rhan o'r ymchwil hon, mae gan British Red Cross ddiddordeb ym mhrofiadau: Cleifion 18 oed neu'n hŷn sy'n byw yng Nghymru sydd wedi gadael yr ysbyty yn dilyn triniaeth tymor byr o salwch neu anaf difrifol (heb gynnwys gwasanaethau mamolaeth) ers dechrau Mai 2020; neu Y rhai sy'n gofalu am rywun sydd wedi gadael yr ysbyty yn dilyn triniaeth tymor byr o salwch neu anaf difrifol (heb gynnwys gwasanaethau mamolaeth) yn ystod yr amser hwn. Os yw hyn yn berthnasol i chi, fe'ch gwahoddir i gymryd rhan mewn arolwg ar-lein am eich profiad. Eich cyswllt â'r arolwg yw www.opinionresearch.co.uk/BRC_Hospital_Discharge_Survey Dylai gymryd tua 10 munud i'w gwblhau, ac mae gennych chi tan 18 Hydref i gymryd rhan.   We would be very grateful if you could share this survey – Closing date for the survey is 18 October 2021   Hospital Discharge     The British Red Cross (find out more about them here) is carrying out research on hospital discharge (leaving hospital) in Wales, which seeks to understand the impact of changes made since the start of May 2020, to meet increasing demands on health and social care services. The aim is to learn from the experiences of hospital discharge during this time and ensure the NHS is better prepared to support patients leaving hospital in the future. As part of this research, the British Red Cross are interested in the experiences of: Patients aged 18 years or over living in Wales who have left hospital following short term treatment of a serious illness or injury (not including maternity services) since the start of May 2020; or Those who look after (or care for) someone who has who have left hospital following short term treatment of a serious illness or injury (not including maternity services) during this time. If this applies to you, you are invited to take part in an online survey about your experience. Your link to the survey is www.opinionresearch.co.uk/BRC_Hospital_Discharge_Survey It should take approximately 10 minutes to complete, and you have until 18th October to take part. This survey is being carried out by Opinion Research Services (ORS) on behalf of the British Red Cross. For further information please contact Catherine Wall at ORS by email on Catherine.wall@ors.org.uk (www.ors.org.uk), or Jenny Reed at British Red Cross on JennyR@redcross.org.uk (www.redcross.org.uk). If you would like to confirm that ORS is a genuine research practice, you can contact the Market Research Society on Freephone 0800 975 9596. All the questions are optional and all information you provide will be processed by ORS in accordance with the latest Data Protection regulations.  Your responses will remain anonymous unless you chose to provide us with your details. Any personal details you do provide will be held securely throughout the process and destroyed by ORS by the end of March 2022 following processing and analysis.  For further information, please see www.ors.org.uk/privacy  


    THIS IS NOT JUST ‘POLITICS’. This is about the environment, our schools, our health…it’s everything that matters   IT STARTS WITH YOU AGED 11 AND UP TO 18? REGISTER TO VOTE IN THE WELSH YOUTH PARLIAMENT ELECTION     Click Here to for more details...  

  • 0 Information about COVID-19 Vaccination in Powys

    We are moving into a very busy period for the COVID-19 vaccination programme in Powys. Our booster programme has begun, vaccination for 12-15 year olds starts this week, and we continue to offer first and second doses for people who have not yet taken up their invitation. Click Here for PTHB COVID-19 Vaccination Stakeholder Bulletin - 2 October 2021

  • 0 Beware of Facebook Market Scams

    Facebook Marketplace Scams… Dyfed Powys Police would like to remind people to be careful when selling or buying items on Facebook Marketplace and not fall for the tricks used by criminals to scam people out of money. A common ploy by criminals is they state that they are sending a courier to pick the goods, and the courier is bringing the money with them. The criminal then states that the courier firm will be in contact to organise collection. The seller then receives an invoice from a courier company (normally a falsified invoice purporting to be from a well-known courier company). The criminal states that the courier will bring the purchase price plus the extra money from the invoice with them, but this is obviously a lie.   Top Tips to stay safe on Facebook Marketplace. • Never send items before you have received ‘verified’ payment. • Sometimes fake emails are sent purporting to be from the buyer’s bank stating that money will not be released until proof of purchase has been received – this is a scam, the email is not from the buyer’s bank. • Always check that the money has arrived and is cleared in your account and that it is not still ‘awaiting confirmation’. • Do not use unusual payment methods – only use Facebook Checkout, PayPal or cash when using Facebook Marketplace. • If you use PayPal – never select family and friends payments – this will completely negate your ability to get a refund. • Be wary of anyone that overpays and then requests a refund immediately. Always let the money clear to your account first and then enter into dialogue about mistaken overpayment. It is very rare for someone to overpay, but criminals use this ploy a lot. • If a purchaser offers you a part-exchange, make sure that they are not offering you stolen goods in exchange. • If you meet-up in person with any purchaser on Facebook, think of your own safety – meet in a well-lit, public place and try to have a family member or friend accompany you.       Sgamiau Facebook Marketplace… Hoffai Heddlu Dyfed Powys atgoffa pobl i fod yn ofalus wrth brynu a gwerthu eitemau ar Facebook Marketplace a pheidio â chael eu dal gan y triciau mae troseddwyr yn eu defnyddio i sgamio pobl o’u harian. Dyfais gyffredin gan droseddwyr yw dweud eu bod yn anfon cludwr i gasglu’r nwyddau, a bod y cludwr yn dod â’r arian gyda nhw. Mae’r troseddwr wedyn yn dweud y bydd y cwmni cludo’n cysylltu i drefnu casglu’r nwyddau. Yna bydd y gwerthwr yn derbyn anfoneb gan y cwmni cludo (fel arfer anfoneb ffug yn honni bod o gwmni cludo adnabyddus). Mae’r troseddwr yn dweud y bydd y cludwr yn dod â’r pris prynu a’r arian ychwanegol o’r anfoneb gyda nhw, ond yn amlwg celwydd yw hwn.   Sut i gadw’n ddiogel ar Facebook Marketplace. • Peidiwch byth ag anfon eitemau cyn i chi dderbyn taliad wedi ei ‘wirio’. • Weithiau mae negeseuon ebost ffug yn cael eu hanfon yn honni eu bod o fanc y prynwr ac yn nodi na fydd arian yn cael ei ryddhau hyd nes y derbynnir prawf o’r prynu - sgâm yw hon, dydy’r ebost ddim oddi wrth fanc y prynwr. • Gwiriwch bob tro bod yr arian wedi ei dderbyn a’i glirio yn eich cyfrif ac nad yw o hyd ‘yn disgwyl ei gadarnhau’. • Peidiwch â defnyddio dulliau anghyffredin o dalu - defnyddiwch Facebook Checkout, PayPal neu arian parod yn unig wrth ddefnyddio Facebook Marketplace. • Os ydych yn defnyddio PayPal – peidiwch byth â dethol taliadau teulu a ffrindiau – bydd hyn yn llwyr negyddu eich gallu i gael ad-daliad. • Byddwch yn wyliadwrus o unrhyw un sy’n gordalu ac yna’n gwneud cais am addaliad ar unwaith. Sicrhewch eich bod bob amser yn gadael i’r arian glirio yn eich cyfrif yn gyntaf ac yna dechreuwch drafodaeth ynghylch gordalu drwy gamgymeriad. Mae’n anghyffredin iawn i rywun ordalu, ond mae troseddwyr yn defnyddio’r ddyfais hon yn aml. • Os bydd prynwr yn cynnig rhan-gyfnewid i chi, sicrhewch nad ydynt yn cynnig nwyddau wedi eu dwyn i chi yn gyfnewid. • Os ydych yn cwrdd yn bersonol gydag unrhyw brynwr ar Facebook, ystyriwch eich diogelwch eich hun – cyfarfyddwch mewn lle cyhoeddus wedi ei oleuo’n dda a cheisiwch gael aelod o’r teulu neu ffrind gyda chi.

  • 0 Commissioner's Newsletter - September 2021

      “A Wales where older people are valued, rights are upheld and no-one is left behind." The summer months have brought with them a bit more hope and optimism, with the wide-scale rollout of the vaccine and the easing of restrictions, which has meant many older people have been able to meet up again with their loved ones, and get out and about again to do the things that matter to them. But this has not been the case for everyone, and I know that for some older people the past few months has continued to be a time of uncertainty, anxiety and loneliness. As we move into the next phase of the pandemic, and into what could be another difficult winter for us all, it is crucial that older people can get the support they may need to regain their health and well-being so they can re-engage with and fully participate in their communities. Alongside this we also need to ensure that older people’s rights are upheld and protected, given the kinds of issues we’ve seen and the difficulties people have faced during the past 18 months. So as we move forward, my work will continue to have a strong focus on ensuring that older people’s voices are heard and that their experiences guide policy and decisions in both the short and longer term to ensure that no-one is left behind. Heléna Herklots CBEOlder People’s Commissioner for Wales   Click Here to view Newsletter

  • 0 Mudiad Meithrin- Clwb Cwtsh - Online Sessions for Welsh Learners in South Powys Autumn 2021

    Mudiad Meithrin Clwb Cwtsh sessions for Welsh learners for me. I'm doing online sessions from week commencing 4th October and they are open to anyone who wishes to learn Welsh with a strong emphasis on learning Welsh with or for their children.    Online sessions on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays for the Autumn term.  


    Math o gyfyngiad/Type of restriction: Cau’r ffordd yn gyfan / Full Closure Cyf:/Ref: BC005OP1W0000PTMS247325A Hawliau Tramwy Cyhoeddus / Public Rights of Way:   Rhif y Ffordd/Road no: C0043 Lleoliad/Location: SOAR, BRECON Dyddiad ac amser/ Dates and times: 9:30am – 3:30pm ar /on 5 November 2021 Ymgeisydd:/Applicant: Openreach   Gwaith:/Works: Profi polion / Pole testing Caniatáu mynediad i gerbydau’r gwasanaethau brys / Emergency Vehicle Access Provision: Bydd ar gael / Will be maintained     Caniatáu mynediad i eiddo o fewn y cyfyngiad / Access to Properties within the restriction Provision: Bydd ar gael / Will be maintained Byddwn yn rhoi gwybod i drigolion cyn cau / Residents will be notified prior to closure: Byddwn (wythnos o flaen llaw) / Yes (A week before the closure begins)                                              

  • 0 Emergency Road Closure

    Emergency Road Closure - Road No. C0043 LLANFIHANGEL-NANT-BRAN, BRECON 9am-5pm on 9th to 10th September 2021 Replace BT telegraph pole   Access for Properties will be maintained Access for Emergency Vehicles will be maintained

  • 0 Temporary Road Closure: C0050 TRALLONG, BRECON (15-17 Sep 2021)

    Math o gyfyngiad/Type of restriction: Cau’r ffordd yn gyfan / Full Closure Cyf:/Ref: 95611497 Hawliau Tramwy Cyhoeddus / Public Rights of Way:   Rhif y Ffordd/Road no: C0050   Lleoliad/Location: TRALLONG, BRECON Dyddiad ac amser/ Dates and times: 8am-6pm ar/on 15-17 September 2021 Ymgeisydd:/Applicant: Welsh Water Gwaith:/Works: Install New Service Caniatáu mynediad i gerbydau’r gwasanaethau brys / Emergency Vehicle Access Provision: Bydd ar gael / Will be maintained Caniatáu mynediad i eiddo o fewn y cyfyngiad / Access to Properties within the restriction Provision: Bydd ar gael / Will be maintained Byddwn yn rhoi gwybod i drigolion cyn cau / Residents will be notified prior to closure: Byddwn (wythnos o flaen llaw) / Yes (A week before the closure begins)    Click Here to view Plan/Route

  • 0 BT Bill Scam

    Rhybudd Mae Heddlu Dyfed-Powys wedi cael gwybod am e-bost ffug sy’n ymddangos fel pe bai wedi’i anfon gan gwmni BT.  Peidiwch â chlicio ar y ddolen a pheidiwch â rhoi’ch manylion. Gwefan ffug ydyw sy’n esgus mai gwefan BT ydyw ac sy’n casglu eich manylion. Os oes angen ichi wirio eich cyfrif, ewch i wefan neu ap BT. Os ydych chi wedi derbyn e-bost yr ydych yn ansicr yn ei gylch, anfonwch ef ymlaen at y Gwasanaeth Adrodd am Negeseuon E-bost Amheus ar report@phishing.gov.uk. Dylech anfon negeseuon testun amheus ymlaen at 7726. Mae’r cod byr hwn, sy’n rhad ac am ddim, yn galluogi’ch darparwr i ymchwilio i darddiad y neges destun a gweithredu os yw’n faleisus.       Warning Dyfed Powys Police have become aware of a fake email that purports to be from BT. Do not click on the link, do not enter your details, it is a fake website pretending to be BT and is collecting your details. If you need to check your account go via the BT App or the BT website. If you have received an email which you’re not quite sure about, forward it to the Suspicious Email Reporting Service (SERS) at report@phishing.gov.uk Suspicious text messages should be forwarded to 7726. This free-of-charge short code enables your provider to investigate the origin of the text and take action, if found to be malicious.    

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