0 Activities Taking Place in Trallong Church Hall
- Community News
- by Administrator
- 24-06-2022

Tuesday evenings 0 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm - Table Tennis - admission £2.00 including refreshment - Contact Trevor Lee 07546070729 - Equipment available
First Wednesday of the month – Women’s Institute meeting – contact Ruth Jeffries Tel No.: 01874 638 024
Thursday evenings 7.00pm to 9.00 pm - Short Mat Bowls - Equipment available
Admission £2.00 including refreshments - contact Trevor Lee Tel No.: 07546070729
Coffee Morning Thursday 23rd June 10.30 – 11.30 am led by Jane Coulton and Jackie Oliphant Trallong Church. If successful further dates to be arranged
Film club - We hope to restart the Film club in September following 2 year break due to Covid - Dates to be confirmed. Anybody who is interested can email Trevor Lee at trevorlee727@gmail.com to be added to the mailing list. This event has been very successful in the past.